What is scalp


Here’s everything you need to know about this innovative hair loss solution that is taking the world by storm.

scalp micropigmentation

Scalp micropigmentation, or SMP for short, is a cosmetic tattoo used to restore bald or thinning hair. The non-surgical procedure deposits ink into the scalp to mimic the look of a shaved head and can be used to create the illusion of a hairline or make thinning hair appear fuller.

SMP does not penetrate the skin as deeply as a tatoo and uses special ink that would’t change colors through time. Colors are selected to match the person’s hair color and scalp color, ensuring that the hairline looks as natural as possible.

SMP is completed in three sessions, scheduled 10 to 14 days apart. Each sessions take approximately two to three hours and the area is throughly numbed before any work begins.

SMP is recommended for people of all skin types and hair colors, and can also be used to covers scars, hide burns and treat other hair-loss condition. SMP is a permanent procedure and the results had a lifetime guarantee from Rejuvenate.


Rejuvenate scalp micropigmentation is a non surgical hair loss solution based in Salt Lake City, Utah. We aim to provide a treatment that you can be proud of and will allow you to embrace the long lost confidence you once had. Don’t let hairloss hinder your life anymore!

Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) is the #1 non-invasive hair loss solution for both men and women. It is a tattoo procedure which mimics hair follicles which can add density to existing hair, and create new hairlines from scratch.
On average, SMP takes 3-4 sessions which are one and half to two and a half hours long each and are spaced two weeks apart. A minimum of ten days between sessions is required to ensure that the scalp is healed enough to receive more trauma.
Either during the consultation, or the first session your SMP artist will converse with you about how to wear your hair to compliment your SMP. Do not cut your hair before your first session, your artist needs to be able to see the areas of the scalp that have hair to map out your procedure. A minimum of 5 days are required after each session before you can cut your hair. Your scalp needs to heal and accept the pigment fully before hair can be cut.
Because of the way that pigment is stacked throughout the multi-session process SMP will leave permanent, natural results for many years.
Like any tattoo, SMP needs to be cared for to ensure vibrancy throughout the years. Sunscreen and a healthy scalp will keep your SMP from fading. We recommend coconut oil on the scalp to keep the skin moisturized and healthy.
Your artists will help you decide what type of hairline or procedure is right for you. Whether it be a hard, barber edge up or a soft, natural hairline, your artist will ensure a look that matches your age and lifestyle.
Because SMP is a tattoo procedure there is a certain amount of discomfort that comes with the process. However, pain level is client specific and everyone experiences different levels of discomfort, but even the most sensitive clients get through the process.

We are experienced professionals at matching colors. We have ink to match any hair follicle. We use specialized ink that is divided into 10 different blends on multiple levels, allowing us mix and match them correctly to create any hair color. Our experience allows us to not only match the color of your follicle, but also to match the size and shape, giving you the most realistic hairline possible.

Consultations are booked based on availability and location of the client. For those who are not in close proximity, a phone/skype/facetime consultation may be provided. Phone consultations are a great way to have your questions answered by our knowledgeable team members while in the comfort of your own home. Clients may also submit images for quotes via email.

Consultations often lead to booking procedures. These appointments are based on the availability of our technicians and how many procedures we have scheduled at the time. We strive to accommodate our clients and can usually schedule procedures within a week or two of your initial consultation.

Every procedure package comes with a standard 2-3 sessions. The first session creates an outline of what is to come, creating the perception of hair follicles spread out throughout the entire scalp. The second session fills in density to ensure optimal results while allowing room for small adjustments to the hairline and any color adjustments that may be necessary. If needed, the final third session is scheduled by the client within a month of their initial procedure. During this final procedure, we create a 3D layering effect, fill in and darken any areas that are necessary, and make sure everything looks even and real. Procedures are usually scheduled 1 week apart to allow time for healing.

Our nano needles are 80% smaller than standard tattoo needles and we use the same size needle in every procedure. This is to ensure control over product and placement while providing a natural look, a look that replicates natural hair follicles almost flawlessly. We use one of the smallest needles in the industry, and combined with our experience, we are able to creat the most natural hair follicles out of any competitor in the business.

Usually, your scalp should be fully healed within a week after your procedure. We provide post care guidelines that should be followed for the first week and after that, all we ask is that you protect your scalp with high SPF Sunblock daily. With that said, you should be able to go to work or out to dinner immediately following your procedure. There is no real down time, as this is not a surgery.

At FULL, we expect to provide work that exceeds our client’s expectations and its one of the biggest reasons we provide 2-3 sessions within every package. If there are any concerns our clients would like to address before, during, and after their procedure, we will be happy to address them accordingly. We have never had one unsatisfied client….yes that’s correct, not even one. We take pride in our art, and make sure every client is completely satisfied by the time their final session is complete. We provide a FREE 1 YEAR GUARANTEE, and also give you a lifetime guarantee for 50% off of any desired touch ups down the road.

The look that we create for you is one that will be blended into the hair that you already have. During the consultation or process of photo submission, we will advise the length that should be kept in order to achieve the best look possible. We will also advise how much work is necessary to achieve optimal results. We will also create a natural fade from the top into the back and sides that will blend in with your hair seamlessly. Once your procedure is done, your hair will look uniform and FULL!

Depending on your scalp, we will give you a specific recommendation of when and how to shave your head. For those who are bald, we suggest shaving it with a razor a day or two before your procedure. For those who are very thin, we recommend buzz trimming the day of your procedure, or shaving with a razor 2-3 days before. This all depends on your specific scalp, and the look that you are looking to achieve, so please make sure to consult with us before coming, and we will be sure to guide you.

In actual fact, 3D scalp micropigmentation is nothing new. Recent discussions may have given it a label, but in reality we’ve offered treatments like these for a long time. The purpose of any scalp micropigmentation treatment is to replicate as closely as possible a full head of shaven hair. What we have always called internally the ‘textured effect’ or ‘layering’ is now being referred to as 3D SMP. In your second session, we may use darker pigment layered in between the original pigment from your first session. This is one of many tricks we use to give you the natural, layered, 3D look and replicates real hair follicles almost identically.

The 3D effect relies on a range of different pigment shades being applied over the course of a clients treatment sessions. The pigments must be different shades as it enables some deposits to stand out among the rest. The usual practice is to use lighter pigments during the first session, slightly darker pigments during the second session, then a scattering of skillfully positioned dots using a much darker pigment is placed during the final session. Depending on the clients individual treatment plan, this scattering could take place during the second session, or the third if one if required. In some cases these darker pigments are used during more than one session. The needles, machines, and artistry also have some effect on the final look. We have many different techniques that we have developed over time to give you the best looking results possible.

We recommend waiting at least a week because your scalp is in the healing process and you would not want to interfere with your body’s natural healing process.

If the artist notices your scalp is dry they will recommend a moisturizing regime, which will take place one week after your procedure. Be sure to read our pre-care and post-care instructions on how to properly care for your scalp before and after your procedure.


Please wait until at least 2 weeks after your procedure date.

Although it may be referred to as a hair tattoo, our inks do not change color after applying like a regular tattoo does. Our needles are inserted into the dermis portion of skin, which is more controlled and prevents ink from spreading. We also use single-use hand crafted needles which are 80% smaller than the needles that are commercially sold. Although it may seem like a head tattoo, it’s a completely different art form. You should never allow a “tattoo artist” to work on your scalp. Certified, trained, and experienced SMP technicians have put in thousands of hours of work to learn how to properly duplicate hair follicles. If you are just price shopping, be very careful as you will usually get what you pay for in this business. This is permanent, and it will be on your head for life, so make sure to do your due diligence and choose the right artist and company!


Our single point needle is a quarter of the size of a 3-point needle, used by companies that implant pigments using permanent makeup guns. This gives us the advantage of creating the perception of natural follicles that look just like real hair. Basically, the follicles we create are much smaller than our competitors follicles, and thus look more natural. If you look up very close to our impressions, you can’t tell the difference between the hair and the impressions. The pain level for most clients is 2 or 3 out of 10. Some people even fall asleep during their procedure. Men and women who have scarring from hair transplants tend to have a little more discomfort due to sensitivity.

The consultation process is simple. Come into the studio and the Rejuvenate Team will examine your scalp to evaluate how much work is required for the best results, as well as pricing and how to take care of your existing hair and new SMP long term.
Any activity which includes excessive sweating should be avoided until your scalp is fully healed. Activities such as sauna, intense exercise or manual labor, and suntanning can make the impressions on your scalp fade between sessions. 20-30% loss of impressions is normal between sessions, but excessive sweating could lead to more sessions that would be unnecessary otherwise which may come with an extra price.
It is common for SMP artists to work with surgical and hair transplant scars. However it is case by case which scars can be camouflage and which can not. FUT scars (strip method) can be more difficult or impossible if the scar is bumpy and raised. Most scars that are smooth and flat can be camouflaged through SMP.

Please wait at least 30 days after your procedure date. We also recommend that you use a sunscreen with SPF 50, or greater, at all times for maintenance.

Milk of Magnesia, Arrid Extra Dry Cream, or Max Anti Shine Gel are the best products we have found so far.

We NEVER reuse our needles, they are all single-use needles. Every client receives a new needle at every session.

After viewing images of your scalp we will suggest the length your hair should be cut before the procedure.


The two most popular length suggestions are a 0 or 1 guard, but we do often have clients who prefer to razor-shave or foil-shave their scalp. This is a personal preference and also based on the speed at which your hair grows. It also depends on how much hair you already have on top. The more hair you have, the longer you can grow your hair out.

Yes. Since we custom blend our colors, we are able to match hair color whether blonde, red, brown or black! Most hair follicles are dark when shaved down so our blend of certain shades along our grayscale/black pigment will match most follicles.

3 days following your procedure, you can wash your head with water gently. Wait one week before using any products like shampoo, soap, lotion, etc.

We recommend that you do not sweat until at least 4 days after your procedure. After that, you can sweat lightly, and heavy sweating by day 10.

Yes, we blend the scar with surrounding hair and it becomes much less noticeable. Whether its a small ding or large scars all across your head, we can camouflage them very effectively with our procedure. Please refer to our gallery for before and after photos.

There will be redness for the first day or two after treatment. The duration usually depends on your skin type. The FULL pigments initial color will appear darker than the “cured” result, which can take a couple weeks. Meaning your head will look darker than normal for a week or two following your treatment, until the ink starts settling in to give you a more natural look.

The answer to this question lies in the individual makeup of each person’s DNA and daily routine. The sun will have a very big impact on the life of the procedure and your individual dermal collagen micro structure as well. Your genetic code has a lot to do with this as well, such as oils in your tissues and the chemical bonds in your skin tissues. Long term sunlight radiation breaks down ink and the ink will dissolve into the skin. This could be the difference between your procedure lasting 10 years or only lasting 5 years due excessive sun exposure. This is why we strongly suggest using a strong, quality facial/head sunblock. It is also the rejuvenation of your skin, your cycle of scabbing, how long it takes your tissues to heal themselves and much more. You have to understand that your body sees our ink as a foreign object and naturally wants to reject it. This is why we deposit more than other companies using a modified machine. The collagen micro structure acts different for each person, either fading away faster or slower 7 days after the first procedure. This is why we require 2-3 procedures to ensure full coverage due to different variables.


Our product is now lasting into the ten year mark so we know that having the security of long lasting results is important. We will assess your scalp and specific concerns and base outcomes on our findings. Again, every person is different, and will see different results. For those who are worried of continued hair loss, we have our FULL Guarantee. Please refer to our FULL Guarantee page for details or contact us. We try to cover most of your scalp, even anticipating future areas of concern. This should cover you no matter how much hair you lose. But we will always work with you if you decide you need more after significant hair loss in the future.

Every client is guaranteed 2-3 visits within their standard package. If there are concerns with your final results we will address them accordingly to ensure complete satisfaction at no additional cost. We will make sure you are completely satisfied with your results! Our goal is to make sure every single client is happy and satisfied, so we will not quit until that’s the case.

We have seen clients that have reached their ten year mark with having SMP completed and those who followed their post care procedures and keep their scalps from over exposure to the elements have had no issue with fading. For those who did not or for those who are always exposed to the sun, we have different options. The first would be taken care of within their FULL Guarantee or we can provide pricing based on their needs with consideration of them being a repeat customer. Softening up is normal with time, and some clients even prefer it as they grow older. Whatever the case may be, we will always take care of our clients when they return to us.

Whatever you do, please do not tan before your treatment! Tanning can toughen up the skin and create difficulties in getting your skin to absorb ink. We like to view the scalp in its most natural state and the less irritated the better. Before adding any pigment we will take into consideration your natural skin tone and hair color and create a look that is custom to you. It’s ok to be in the sun for short periods of time with sunblock, but do not overdo it as you want to minimize fading as much as possible.

The look we provide is unbelievably authentic and realistic. Unless you told them, they would have no clue. Not one client we have treated has been noticed. It actually makes you look much younger with a more natural hair line. Check out our photo gallery. The most common responses are “oh you should shave your head like that more” or “something is different, you look a lot younger, what did you do?” But they can never pinpoint what you did exactly.


Our follicle shaped needle implants into the epidermis, never reaching the dermis. The skin is made of up a matrix of cross fibers that have Lumen within the cells. The lumens allow the ink to deposit into the dermis and stay consistent in size and shape. It is a very precise procedure and takes years of experience to master the feel of exactly how and where to insert each follicle one at a time.

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